15 June 2013

But WHY the "Mormon Church"

I have heard people say that they understand my faith in God, but not my decision to join The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. They don't understand why I chose to be a Mormon.
A Latter-Day Saint.

First, I don't believe it was a choice. Even an ex thought I had already been a confirmed member of The Church six months before I had even read the Book of Mormon!

I have always been on this path. God chose me. It just took me 46 years to open my eyes.

I joke about having been "stalked by Christ", or more appropriately, by His Church. In my journeys across the country, I found myself stopping and pondering God in front of temples I had no clue even existed before happening upon them.

Books about the Mormon Trail fascinated me. A people who displayed their faith. And what faith it was, and is.

There are a few facts that I want to share with others, about some of my beliefs that finally found their home:
  • The fact that Jesus Christ and God are separate, immortal beings and the Holy Ghost is a separate spirit entity.  
  • That God did not cease communicating with us through prophets in the time of the bible. 
  • We have a living prophet that receives revelation for the church in these times; his name is Thomas S. Monson.
  • We have the right and the obligation to ask for personal revelation in prayer and to listen to the small still voice that is the Holy Spirit. 
I finished reading the Book of Mormon for the first time (just a read-through, I plan to go back and study it diligently after I finish the rest of the Standard Works) on April 30. I believe it to be another Testament of Jesus Christ. I prayed, and was impressed with the knowledge that it is.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the only church that has ever felt like home. My children and my mother know how long I have searched for the truth. Many of my closest friends have seen my search as well.

I am finally at home.


  1. I am happy for you. I do not believe it matters what church we choose individually, or if we choose one. I believe it matters that we come to understand there is a power at work who is greater than ourselves and who loves us no matter what. When it is our time to seek out that power is there waiting to welcome us home to its love. All the people we meet along the journey merely lead us by one means or another to that love!! Blessings to you Margaret!

  2. Thanks, Mandy!

    Blessings to you as well! Love and Lighte to you and your family!
